
This is an immutable object representing robot configuration.

It is meant to orchestrate FTC Dashboard and other configuration together.

Certain sub-objects are annotated with @Config. This designates them as FTC Dashboard configuration that can be modified at runtime. To permanently change these values, you must also modify the code! The configuration can also change during initialization depending on various build constants like debug.


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Configuration related to moving using april tags.

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Configuration related to scanning april tags.

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object AutoMain

Configuration related to the AutoMain opmode.

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object CubeVision

Configuration related to the CubeVision API.

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object Drone

Configuration related to the Drone API.

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object Encoders

Configuration related to moving the wheels using encoders.

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object TeleOpMain

Configuration related to the TeleOpMain opmode.


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const val debug: Boolean = true

When true, enables debugging features like camera streaming and more logs.


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open override fun toString(): String

Creates a string representing the current robot build constants.