Package-level declarations


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object APIDependencies : OpModeManagerNotifier.Notifications

An object that orchestrates API dependency checking.

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class MotorController(target: Int, pid: PIDCoefficients, motor: DcMotor)
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class MotorControllerGroup(target: Int, pid: PIDCoefficients, motors: DcMotor)
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object ResetListener : OpModeManagerNotifier.Notifications

A listener that resets all Resettable variables each time an opmode begins initializing.

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class Resettable<T>(default: () -> T)

A property delegate that instruments resetting it between opmode runs.

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This is an immutable object representing robot configuration.

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enum Team : Enum<Team>

An enum representing a team of 2 robots in a game.


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fun opModeSleep(opMode: OpMode): (Long) -> Unit