
object GamepadEx : API

A Gamepad extension for more complex inputs.

The biggest function of this API is checking whether an input was pressed or released this update. See pressed, justPressed, and justReleased.

Beyond initialization, please call update every loop to use this API correctly.

This class is inspired by the bevy_input system.


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A list of all inputs being tracked by GamepadEx.


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open val isLinear: Boolean = false

Specifies whether this API requires a LinearOpMode to function.


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open fun dependencies(): Set<API>

A function that returns a Set of all other APIs it depends on to function.

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open fun init(opMode: OpMode)

Initializes the API to use the given opMode.

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Returns true if input was pressed this update.

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Returns true if input was released this update.

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Returns true if input it pressed.

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fun update()

Updates pressed, justPressed, and justReleased to match current input.