
An API for detecting april tags.

This requires the Vision API.

Developer Note

See the Understanding AprilTag Detection Values article, specifically figure 2, to understand the reasoning behind this code.


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open val isLinear: Boolean = false

Specifies whether this API requires a LinearOpMode to function.

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open override val processor: VisionProcessor


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open override fun dependencies(): Set<Vision>

A function that returns a Set of all other APIs it depends on to function.

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fun detect(id: Int): AprilTagDetection?

Returns the detection data of a specific tag id, or null if not found.

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fun detections(): List<AprilTagDetection>

Gets a list of all april tags currently detected.

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open override fun init(opMode: OpMode)

Initializes the API to use the given opMode.

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Configures the camera's exposure and gain to be optimized for april tags.